Ladies and Gents with the Boutique Culture Warehouse Sale only weeks away we want to ask you to not only make the journey down to Fremont Studios to shop till you drop on Aug 29th and 30th, but also take a moment to donate and save as many as 3 lives.
Puget Sound Blood Center will be on site taking donations and needs you to help them by RSVPing ahead of time! Here is a common question and excuse for those who are on the fence!
Who Can Donate?
Anyone in good health, is at least 18 and weighs at least 110 pounds may donate blood every 56 days.
Other people must be giving enough blood (who hasn't said this).
Only 8% of western Washington's population gives blood and these donors cannot give all the time. Donors move away, become pregnant and go on vacations. The needs of our community can only be met by people like you!
This being said we hope you will help us save lives, and take a moment out of your day to donate.
Please RSVP at the Boutique Culture Warehouse Sale Blood Donation Event Page
Thank you on behalf of Boutique Culture, Puget Sound Blood Center, and the hundreds of people whose lives will be touched.
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